St. Patty’s Day

So, I go to take a picture of the kid’s treats and find out that my battery is dead.  I go to plug it in and can’t find my charger.  I try to think back to when I last charged my battery.  Oh, that’s right!  I charged it at my Grandparent’s place in Salt Lake when we were there for Michael and Amy’s engagement party.  CRAP!!!  I can see it sitting under the ironing board in the computer room, just waiting for me!

I call my grandma to ask her if she’d grab it and mail it to me only my grandpa answers and reminds me that she is just getting out of surgery!  Ah!!!  I don’t want to mention it to him and seem like the insensitive, brainless ninnie that I am so I wish her good luck with her recovery and email my uncle.  Hopefully he’ll be able to send it to me quickly but I can feel that it’s going to be a long wait, even if he gets it in the mail tomorrow.  I can feel the anxiety of not being able to take pictures creeping in 🙂 !  Ha, ha, ha.  It’s not that bad, but already there’s stuff going on that I won’t be able to capture.  I guess my iPhone camera will have to do for now.

So, the kids had a filling breakfast of…

Personally, it doesn’t look that appetizing, but the kids were squealing, “The leprechaun left us green milk! The leprechaun left us green milk!”  I think I’ll rethink this breakfast choice next year though.  As I watched Jacob sit there with his bowl of Lucky Charms I noticed that he just kept picking out the marshmallows.  He wouldn’t touch the rest of the cereal!  To each his own, but it probably wouldn’t have been such a rough morning if he’d had something a little more substantial.

I was fortunate to have a few minutes last night to make these for the kids to give out.  I kept things simple and just had Benjamin and Emma give a box to their teachers and then made five little snack baggies for Joseph’s preschool pals.  I really lucked out because General Mills cereals are on sale at Smith’s this week so both their boxes didn’t set me back more than $4.  I had some green ribbon left over from Jacob’s birthday and Jared just printed off the little tags at work.  It was the perfect little pick-me-up for their teachers!

Okay, so it looks like our entire day was centered around cereal!  The little preschoolers that came to my house today left with a rainbow like this!  Joseph worked so hard on it, and when Emma got home from kindergarten I could tell she was a little envious.  She kept trying to take it up to her room with her.


Filed under Benjamin, Craft Projects, Emma, Friends, Holidays, homeschooling, Joseph, School

3 responses to “St. Patty’s Day

  1. Carmell Asher

    Jenna loves her rainbow and her treat from Joseph!! She loves preschool at your house!

  2. Pingback: Leprechaun Shenanigans « Happy Home Fairy

  3. Pingback: Leprechaun Trap Ideas and Mischief to Amuse the Kids - Meet Penny

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